Heading? like you ever learn it (basic HTML)

Further to the text in HTML format, now you will know heading. What is it heading? Heading is a text format that is usually used for the title of an article or other papers, or more specifically the title of a paragrahp.

Heading has six levels, starting from H1 to H6 which has a font size and bold. Starting from the largest font size (H1) to the smallest (H6). For more details, you just copy & paste the following script:

The result will look like the image below:

Heading also has the same attributes as tags <p> (paragraph) on the article with the title format text, line breaks and paragraphs (HTML), which has a value that is align "left" (the default), "center" and "right".

Note: The default here means without giving the value of "left" in the text we will show, the text will be positioned on the left.

Looks like we've gone a bit far, but need a bit of patience because the next article is discussing about text formats. See you in the next article about basic HTML.:-)
Good work!


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