My life is ruined because of a breakup, Really?

Breakup? It is a cliche, almost everyone has experienced it. But how to treat the pain of a breakup? Here's the antidote:
  1. Not just you who feel the pain of a breakup, but the people who dump you too felt it. So if you've finished making your spouse dump, you should learn to respect his decision. Broadly speaking there are two possibilities (knowledgeably really does). First, he or she has no love or just fool around alone. Secondly, he or she probably could not tolerate our attitude that makes him decide to split up.

    The first reason that we throw away the negative thoughts. Just think a second reason may be better. rather put it this way, rather than waste time late in the dumps, better introspection.

  2. Unrequited love, in this case try to ask yourself. How many times he or she rejected you and how long have you been waiting?. Better forget him or her, because for the next little chance he or she will say "yes" if he or she has been told "no".Look in the mirror you're too busy thinking about that person you love so forget to love yourself.

  3. For people who are hurt by their loved ones, say to yourself "I did not lose the person I love, but he or she who loses a loved one" or "he or she has not too valuable for fighting". Imagine, we've done anything for our loved ones and show how valuable he or she is for us. But what we get? Hurt, we looked like a beggar of love in his eyes. For me personally it's not worth
Introspection and sure one day you will be a special person who is present in a person's life and transform itself to be better and do not dissolve with the story of the past. A dark in our history is just an example so that we do not fall in the same hole, not to be remembered as a barrier to our future. Agree!

Remember! there will be a day where we met with our loved ones and he loves us sincerely. Keep the spirit!

Web Page isn't interesting without these (Basic HTML)

Less interesting! Suppose a web page only contained writings alone. Basic HTML we have learned will not be complete if no images. In this article I will explain how to create a background image, so that the web interface is more pleasing to the eye.

To create a background image that you should consider is to determine the place (folder) or a directory to save the image. Should be in the folder where you saved the html file that you create. Make it easy!

For more details, you just write the following script:

  • Text = "white": color text to be displayed
  • Bgcolor = "blue": background color, the background will be colored blue if the image is not found
  • Image: Name of the directory where you save the image
  • beside-you.jpg: the name of the image to be used as background
Image will look like this:

Learn while you still have time, before you get old and lose the opportunity to explore your talent! May be useful

Sensation create table (Basic HTML)

On occasion I am trying to complete the sheet that is not over the Basic HTML you have learned in previous articles. Now you're going to play how to make a table.

Understanding briefly about the table is a list of information in the form of data that is created in the form of rows and columns.

To display a table in the browser page you have to know the elements and attributes. Quite a lot, but take it the results will be comparable to what you learn. Because I think in learning basic html, create a table one of my favorite materials.

What should you know? Element table include:
  • Caption: This element is used to give the title of the table to be created, its attributes are: align that has a value of "Top" (the title is on the table) and the "bottom" (where the title was under the table).
  • TR (table row): specify rows in the table
  • TH (table header): a cell in the column header, in bold and at the center of the cell
  • TD (table data): data content of column cells
While Attribute to create the table include:
  • Align: used to determine the position of the table that will be created as left (L), center (middle), right (right)
  • BGCOLOR: background color for the table
  • Border: Specifies the border on the table, using a pixel size.
  • Cellpadding: distance to the edge of the cell contents of the cell
  • Cellspacing: distance between cell
  • Width: specify the width of the table
  • Height: height specify the table
Write the following script:

The result will be as shown below:

Write the following script:

The result will be as shown below:

Write the following script:

The result will be as shown below:

Learn while you still have time, before you get old and lose the opportunity to explore your talent! 
May be useful :-)

Inspire! Shrek The Third 2

Ridicule people often make us feel inferior and extremely disturbing thoughts. Until we give up to be yourself, I hope this story makes you get up and full of confidence.

The article entitled Inspire! Shrek The Third you already know that the castle was attacked by a prince Charming. after charming successfully broke down the door, he found friends fiona (Pinocchio, Cookies, three pigs and the wolf) was sitting drinking tea. 

Charming asks where Shrek, but they didn't answer. Cookies threatened by captain hook, Cookies became incoherent because saw herself in the past. Charming also asked Pinocchio, Pinocchio that if he lies can make his nose become long can argued. But looking situation around and conversation between Charming and Pinocchio not also finished, making one of the three pigs can not stand. Finally came out of his mouth that shrek is being picked prince Arthur, Charming was sending captain hook to kill prince Arthur.

Arthur on board very curious what it's like to be a king, Shrek said his lordship's fun and whatever you wish will be fulfilled. But Donkey and Push too far tells it and Arthur became fear and panic. Arthur took over the helm of the ship and turn it back to the academy, Shrek and Arthur scramble steering the ship. Eventually the ship hit a reef and destroyed.

They get lost on an island where they met with Merlin (Arthur's magic Teachers who have retired). In the evening Shrek persuade Arthur that was not able to be king because he felt he was a loser. Arthur said: "I know you want me to be king but I can't, even My own father abandoned me when he had the chance".

Shrek says "It's hard to believe that I'm good-looking and attractive, but people used to think that I was a monster, and for a long time I believe what they say. But after so long, you learn to ignore all calls to disparage you and believe in yourself ".

Meanwhile Princess Fiona and the other passing through the halls to looking for a way out. Once out of the halls of, Fiona try to find out what is Charming do. But Rapunzel betrays them, finally Fiona and the others were arrested.

The next day Shrek and his friends were attacked by Captain Hook, but Hook failed to catch Shrek. Hook said: "Prince Charming will kill you in the theater". Shrek must immediately return to the "Far Far Away", for fear of Fiona. Arthur was persuaded Merlin to use magic to return them. Shrek was arrive in the "Far Far Away" with his friends. However because of a little mistake, Donkey and Push confused soul.

Shrek and his friends to the palace and sneak in the locker room Charming. Charming sly secretly pressed the alarm bell, they were arrested. Charming drew his sword on the neck Arthur because he knew that Arthur would be the heir to the throne "Far Far Away". Shrek argued that prince Arthur  only a shield for him. Arthur was very disappointed then out of the room while Shrek and Donkey and Puss arrested.

Donkey and Puss in prison in the same place with Fiona, while Shrek tied under the theater stage. Fiona is shocked because Donkey and Puss confused soul knows that Shrek will be killed in the theater Charming. The Queen who was offense because spelled "Old Woman" by Snow White break down the prison walls. Fiona and her friends plan to absolve Shrek.

Princess Fiona and others attacked the palace, while Donkey and Push liberate other friends. When they are drawing up plans, Pig look at Prince Arthur watching them. Arthur said that he was disappointed in Shrek, but Donkey said what is done by Shrek to rescue Arthur.

Theater began, until at the Shrek emerged from under the stage. Charming performances was mocked by shrek, the ridicule make viewers make fun of Charming. Charming was angry and when he would be killing Shrek, Prince Charming's sword sprayed by a dragon (Wife Donkey). Shrek's friends surrounded Charming.

But Shrek and friends outnumbered, Charming control everything. That's when Arthur came and stop the tension between them. He said, "Who thinks to solve the problem with this? Anything you want to be a villain in your life? Ever you want to look forward to something else?". One of them replied "It's easy to say, but honestly it's difficult if the world against you".

Arthur also make a point that just because there is someone who treats us like criminals or loser, does not mean you like that. What matters is what you think about yourself.

Charming tried to kill Arthur but were prevented by Shrek who then pretended to be dead. Shrek lifting Charming and dropping. Dragon with its tail pushing tower and Charming was struck down the tower. At the end of the story of Shrek and Fiona live in the swamp and they had three children twins.

Should be yourself! We're too busy listening to what others have to say until we forget to be yourself. Even we forget what our goal. Hopefully the readers can take a lesson from this story :-)

Film details:

Actor: Mike Myers, Eddie Murphey, Justin Timberlake, Cameron Diaz
DVD Release Date: November 13, 2007
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Action
Studio: Dreamworks Animated
Duration: 93 minutes

Inspire! Shrek The Third

Shrek The Third (Full Screen Edition) movie taught me to be myself and whatever people say about us it does not mean we like that. Want to become what it is we who determine our future. Not because of what people say become an impediment our progress.

Shrek The Third is the third series of this movie, for me the movie was very funny and full of comedy, try it you watch! Many lessons that we can take from this movie,  I will tell you the plot or synopsis of the movie.

The film begins when charming was playing  theater in a bar, but the show has always been the laughing stock of people and always scorned. Charming was angry and out of the stage while charming vowed that one day he will be king "Far Far Away".

Horald king fell ill and then Shrek and Fiona replace tasks king for a while. But Shrek was not hold as many events that do actually harm others. Fiona asks to be patient because this is only temporary.

But fate would, King Horald that the movie Shrek 2 cursed to become a frog prince Charming mother dying suddenly. Then gather the family to give Shrek a testament that the king is law Horald will be heir to the throne "Far Far Away".

Shrek rejected because it was not able to become king in "Far Far Away". Shrek asks "Is there no other heir?". Horald king also said that Fiona had a cousin and also an heir to the kingdom, he was a prince Arhtur (Artie). So the king died and sadness accompany funerals.

Shrek with Donkey and Push in boots set off looking for prince Arthur. In the dock they said goodbye to their families. Were off the ship, before the ship was too far away to mengatakn Fiona decided that she was pregnant. With a happy tone ostensibly because Shrek was not ready to be father, Shrek was screaming that she was very happy to hear it.

Shrek dream of having many children, he awoke to feel disturbed by the dream. Shrek fret and think how will he have children, but Donkey and Push in boots tried to calm that would not be a bad father. Finally they arrived at the academy Worcestershire.

On the other hand went to the Poison Apple Charming where the evil characters congregate, original arrival Charming are not acceptable. Charming yet managed to provoke them to achieve greatness that should be their right.

At that time Fiona had gathered with friends and family is the Queen, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Snow White and other cartoon characters. Charming prince suddenly attacked the palace with her friends.
Friends Fiona (Pinocchio, Cookies, three pigs and the Wolf) closed the entrance, Fiona opened the secret door and asked other women into a secret passage. Prince Charming broke the door and found Fiona friends sitting around drinking tea.

How the continuation of the story of Shrek The Third? I will tell you in Inspire! Shrek The Third 2 Or you watch the movie yourself. For you fans of the animated film definitely will not regret it when you watch.

Film details:

Actor: Mike Myers, Eddie Murphey, Justin Timberlake, Cameron Diaz
DVD Release Date: November 13, 2007
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Action
Studio: Dreamworks Animated
Run Time: 93 minutes

Positive revenge, Is it There?

Positive revenge, Is it there? The world is not always on our side, there was a time when we have to face the unpleasant situation. like being insulted, berated, deemed incompetent to do a job or anything else that makes us hurt and insecure.

What do you do if you insulted? lamenting the fate will destroy themselves, complain or reply to what they are doing obviously takes time and self-defeating. But I'm very satisfied if unrequited revenge! (Choice of one).

Reply in the same way is not the only option, it is called negative revenge. There is one way in which this is called positive revenge, what I just heard?
On the negative revenge when we are insulted or insulting retorts we hit back when hit. Perhaps even worse if we are not prepared mentally so we felt like the most despicable people in this world, and low self-esteem.

While we respond positively to revenge all insults or verbal abuse by making it as an insult to the spirit of self-improvement and shows that we do not deserve being insulted. Positive revenge makes us not reply to insults with a punch, but to make us ashamed of insulting people for insulting the wrong person.

Therefore, if anyone insults, made as a whip to achieve success. Let the insults ringing in our ears so that we do not stop working hard to achieve success.

We can not control other people but we can control ourselves. So we are the ones who determine how to respond to the insult.

That's what I get from a book entitled "Positive Revenge" series lightweight motivation works by Isa Alamsyah and Asma Nadia. This book is dedicated to "Teater Kawula Muda" and "Sanggar Ananda".

I got this book when I was studying at the "Sanggar Ananda", contains motivational and inspirational story of famous personalities. Hopefully what I learned from the book useful for readers of my blog. Thank you

I was deceived, under the pretext of Fraud Job Interview!

About three or four days ago that I could e-mail from a site in the form of information about the job seekers alert "fraud alert" under the guise of job seekers interview calls. I so remember these events once experienced, can call the work of a company in Jakarta, precisely in the area of ​​Manggarai. I forget the name of his company since long kejadianya really, but I end up fee to be able to work in the company.

I apply for a job as Admin on a company site to advertise job seekers (not sites that send me e-mail). The next day I can call interview from the company (I can sms afternoon that it reminds interview to come tomorrow). Short stories which have been determined on the day I woke up late and I could not come up interview, but strangely they still want to invite my interview.

The next day I came in the company, only that I began to doubt and feel weird. The problem is the name of the company that I've applied at different sites with the name of the company that I visited (but the same interviewer name). Hold time that I and other job seekers told to immediately go, I wonder who in one interview room (so rich crowded market, here and there, interview the interview).

I've felt something was wrong, I interviewed there. The interviewer learned my CV and explain my jobdesk  (I was only given the opportunity to answer "yes" and "yes" every question from the interviewer, without being given the opportunity to think). But I tried to calm down and think.

The interview was very short and fast, came at the end. I immediately got a job in the company, but I have to follow the procedure again. I had to follow my training a few days and had to pay a training fee of Rp. 500,000 on the pretext I could certificates, signatures and contracts directly in the work place in accordance domicile.

Finally the following dialogue:

Me: "I do not take money for it"
Interviewer: "Can DP first, half"
Me: "I'm Just take the cost of round-trip alone!"
Interviewer: "if 50 thousand?"
Me: "real, I Just take the cost of round-trip"
Interviewer: "Fine, 20 thousand?"

Rich people selling bargaining, finally reached the last offer. I give money to Rp 10,000 (in my heart "so be it, it was counted as charity, it was counted as charity". Upon giving my money directly welcome home and I was given an invitation letter regarding training and the lack of money payments. Following day I got a call (I do not lift) and sms that the content is congratulated in the company and I accepted the invitation and their lack of training are you required to pay (I got sms for three days in a row but I am not oblivious).

That was my experience when looking for a job, hopefully the reader can take a lesson from what I've experienced and more cautious in looking for work. And if you get an interview call, you should ask the lag time of the day, my goal one day pause is used to find out the company that invited you interview. I will write tips on how to avoid these scams (at least minimize).

Oh yes, thank you to the team who have sent me e-mails regarding "fraud alert" under the guise of an interview invitation for job seekers. So I could write this article, may be useful!

My heart says, I'm dying!

It's my moment broke my heart to know that I love this feeling as long as there is no meaning for you. Every time wherever I am, I always remember you. And I do not think that I was never there in your mind. My moment and wish you were falling, I want you to be a lean, strengthened me, hold me, make me get up.

basically you're just a shadow in every stride. Every breath with all my love with your name, who you know is just an ordinary breeze. I always chestnut when I'm with you I'm definitely happy, is ultimately just adds to injury but never seem to be a deterrent. In my imagination you're the sun that gives warmth in my soul, in fact such a distinguished evening cloudy, cold, lonely and empty smothering.

Do you know what is my mind? miserable without you I live without goals and I could not stand on my own feet, while you can run even run fast. Do not you think that is not fair to me, so why the situation is like this. If you feel what I feel, you may not do this to me. You know for sure that my heart is for you, but why do you loved to hurt me.

You're proud of in front of your friends and say "He has a crush on me, and like to look at me". You're making me low in front of them, do you even are?

Actually, what do you expect to account for it? In each of my eyes you know I miss you, but you do not know that I cried when I could not see even a day. How could you have the heart to me, if you do not like tell me. Do not treat me like this.

I'm stupid because all this time waiting for your love, I've been crying for people who are not worth crying, I love people who make me despicable, I forgot myself for always miss you. I just realized that you're not too precious to be fought.

Writing on the past is a scratch on the love story that I want to capture the reflection and learning. Hopefully my hope is that reading this could take a lesson from that I've had and not to any loving person. Good work!

Stress! I went to the train station

Many things can make us stress, such as boredom with everyday activities, the stress of work, family problems, love and so forth. So sometimes we can not control yourself, irritable and easily angered. If the stress I experience no longer be in control, I chose to go to the train station.

Do not get me wrong, I went to the train station not to commit suicide but to buy tickets to Jakarta Kota. It aims to cut the cycle of day-to-day activities that dull or often called refreshing. Hahaha ...
that time I was not planning to go to the train station, it occurred when I was in public transport.

Finally, I've been in the train, when it was quiet passenger, I ride comuter line:

Carriage was deserted
Just enjoy the scenery on the way to make a fresh mind.
Jakarta City
I could see the city sights, this is fun
Buildings in Jakarta
See Monas of the train, as if I were traveling around the jakarta
as if I could  see the Clinical Laboratory Building  from above
Clinical Laboratory Building
It feels less pleasant walks alone, finally I get off at the Jayakarta and stopped at the boarding friend.

Later that night we went to the Jakarta Old Town (People call Kota Tua), enjoy the night view at the old city (Kota Tua)
I'm in the old town (Kota Tua)

Atmosphere of Kota Tua in the night

I am also in the old town (Kota Tua, Jakarta)

Museum at the old town (Kota Tua)
Apparently a lot of wonderful things that I can see, I feel more alive. With open minds see the environment around me inspired to keep the spirit through the day, becoming more grateful and ready to indulge again.

Unordered list, what is different from the ordered list? (Basic HTML)

In the article about basic HTML entitled "Ordered list, Have you ever heard?", You already know what it is an ordered list. For this time you will learn about the unordered list, what is an unordered list?

The principle is the same as an ordered list, which lists the sequence and there must be the element list item (li). difference for the unordered list does not use letters or numbers, but a sign or bullet. This element has a type attribute that has a value such as circle, square or disc.

Now you open Notepad or your editor software, wrote the following script:

Save the file name or the file name unorderedlist.html you like, then it will look like the image below:

Now you understand the difference between an ordered list and unordered list, you can combine the two so that could be interesting.

Learn while they have the time, before you get old and lose the opportunity to explore your talent!. May be useful :-)

Ordered list, Have you ever heard (Basic HTML)

You must be familiar with what you will learn in the article HTML this time. Have you ever heard the term ordered list? Or you must have made ​​a list of sequences, such as: timetable, a list of values ​​or a list of places to eat in the food menu.

Basic HTML element in ordered list or a list of sequences that will be discussed this time, this element has the attribute that start and type. Start serves to demonstrate how the ordered list was started, whereas the type attribute is used to select the type of order. like start = "1" & type = "1" then it will use a sequence starting from the decimal numbers 1,2,3 ... and so on, if the attribute type using Roman numerals I or i then that will be displayed is also the Roman numeral sequences, both figures roman large or small.

To make ordered list (ol) can also use the alphabet A or a B, but by default for the attribute start = "1" and type = "1". to make ordered list contained element must also list item (li). example:

<ol start=”1” type=”1”>

And to clarify please you open notepad or your editor software and write this script:

Save the file name Orderlist.html, In the browser window will display a list of the starting sequence number 1 and so on, you can display a sequence starting with the letter or Roman numeral changing / adding tags such as tag <ol> <ol start = "1 "type =" I ">.

By default it will display as shown below:

Similarly, this article the basic HTML orderlist in the material, I was glad to share his knowledge with you. Hopefully useful and keep smile! :-)

Element font, making the display more attractive (Basic HTML)

Still discussing the text formatting in learning basic HTML, this time you will be introduced to the elements and font attributes. What are the elements that exist in the font?

The font element consisting of text color, size and font type. Text color using the color attribute, you can use color to color name like "red", "green", "blue" or use the hexadecimal code (in full color knowledge you can learn through the Wikipedia site). Example: <font color="red"> ... </ font>

While to change the text size using the size attribute size in pixels, the default size that will be displayed in the browser is "3" pixel, it has been described in a previous article with the title Center & Basefont Lest Forgotten. Example: <font size="2"> .. </ font> will produce letter-sized 2 pixels, but when using the relative size (+ or -) as <font size="+2"> .. </ font> will produce letter-sized 5 pixels (the default value plus 2)

As for using a font face attribute, examples of the typeface such as Arial, Calibri, Courer new, and others (knowledge about the typeface / font you can learn on Wikipedia). Example: <font face="arial"> .. </ font>

And to clarify about the third attribute, you just wrote the script below:

The result will be as shown below:

Ok, I think enough about the font element and ends are the various text formats are discussed. But for basic HTML is still much to be you know.

My message "Do not tire of learning what you like! If you feel bored, remember that what you learn today will be useful for your future ". So keep the spirit! :-)
Good work!

Center & Basefont Lest Forgotten (Basic HTML)

This time we will understand how the center element works in web browsers. The center element is used to display the text in the middle of the web page. Tag element is <center> center with a closing tag </ center>. For more details, we just write the script below:

The result will be as shown below:

Much different from BASEFONT element size, element base is used to change the font size to be displayed in a web browser page. This element does not have a closing tag, an attribute that is used is the size that is the value of the font size, the default size is displayed in the browser is "3" pixel. The size starts from "1" to "7" pixels or relative size (+ or -). For more details, you wrote the following script:

The result will be as shown below:

Of you have learned about this HTML article, you should be able to creation your own simple web interface. Continue to learn and improve your skills, then you will get what you dream. Keep the spirit and hopefully this article useful. amen

Sorrow of love,compassion..!

I've always loved, but often hurt
I have always loved, but never appreciated
I always make sacrifices, but in waste
I always hoped, but disappointed that I get

Why are my fate like this
There may I not love my heart
My love is so big, it is clear in my mind
why is like a speck of dust in his eyes
Completely invisible, not too precious

What should I do to myself?
Why love is so complicated
I blind or love making fun of me
I Want to yell at love "my chest felt tight because of you!"

Oh love, why are you so cruel to me
I so adore you, but you despise me
I hold in high fidelity, the requirement that you give, is not it?
But why did you destroy my faith.

What kind of story will end
I would not care
giving up is not a good way, that's true
Without you I actually was not going to die

Love say not a word

Why I have to say, that I love you
Whereas I myself still deep in hesitation
About that I feel
About love that deep inside

All of that is looked empty
In my heart and my mind
Although like that
I always miss you
Hope you feel the same

I am not afraid
My love will not replied
But I am afraid
If you’re feeling so burry to me

I am afraid
You come into my life
Because you will feel
How smarting of this life

When I am lonely
You come in my brain
You carry the happiness in my imagination
And so real in my mind

I imagine beautiful meeting between us
I am happy when I hold you
You just have to know that I love you so much
        It is enough for me

Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

3 + Text Format All you have to know (Basic HTML)

You must be familiar about using this text format, what is it?. I give a clue, this format is used to mark a word that indicates that this word is important, what?.

Never seen or heard of the term bold writing (writing in bold), italic and underline? This is what we will learn in this article. In HTML there are also tags that we can use to indicate a word or phrase that is important to note. Tags include:
  • <b> To Bold -> Used to make an appearance in bold words, closing tag </ b>
  • <i> For Italic tag -> In order for a word or phrase in italics, closing tag </ i>
  • <u> Tag to underline -> This will make the bottom line of the printed word, closing tag </ u>
For more details, we direct the practice of it, OK? In order to learn more interesting you can incorporate what you have learned in previous articles HTML. You write the following script:

The result will be as shown below:

Also, there is the html tag is used to display the text as it is as it is written in your editor software. This is called the preformatted text tag, the tag <pre> the closing tag </ pre>. Still confused? Note the following script:

Would look like this:

For the next article about HTML you will get to know about the element center and BASEFONT size.
See you again and keep the spirit!

Heading? like you ever learn it (basic HTML)

Further to the text in HTML format, now you will know heading. What is it heading? Heading is a text format that is usually used for the title of an article or other papers, or more specifically the title of a paragrahp.

Heading has six levels, starting from H1 to H6 which has a font size and bold. Starting from the largest font size (H1) to the smallest (H6). For more details, you just copy & paste the following script:

The result will look like the image below:

Heading also has the same attributes as tags <p> (paragraph) on the article with the title format text, line breaks and paragraphs (HTML), which has a value that is align "left" (the default), "center" and "right".

Note: The default here means without giving the value of "left" in the text we will show, the text will be positioned on the left.

Looks like we've gone a bit far, but need a bit of patience because the next article is discussing about text formats. See you in the next article about basic HTML.:-)
Good work!

Format text, line breaks and paragraphs (HTML)

Continue to learn html? Well now you will learn how to replace the line. Little about the line break tag element tag called tag <br> (line break), this element will be written after the sentence is replaced row. You need to know also that this element does not have a closing tag. Us directly to the examples:

The result will be like this:

As for the element paragragh <p> used to replace the paragraph that will be followed by a blank line at the beginning and end of the paragraph, this tag has a closing tag is </ p>. <p> tag also has the align attribute which has a value of "left", "right", "center" which indicates the position of horizontal edges, by default this attribute value "left". example:

The result will be as shown below:

Already know how yet? If you do not understand try reading again from the top. If there are not clear just ask via the comments box or via email should also. Well for the next HTML article we are still discussing the text format. May be useful

Happiness or sadness?

When this was written, I just give comments Efi (college friend) on facebook. She held a status "I am happy, thanks God" then I commented "I am sad, thanks to God too". She's behind the comment "Lutfi ... fi ... fi ..". I imagine (ciaa..) she wrote that fit her head. If you become her what would you say?.

I give comments back again "Why? happy or sad. They are giving by God, you have to thanks, you feel happy Because there is sadning". hahaha

I try to imagine ..!, Yeah .. Well, from the comments I realized that all this time I was actually just grateful to get happiness. Not thought of that sadness is also a gift from God, don't you think?.

As I enjoy the happiness, I also want to enjoy the sadness And think that it is also from Allah. When I feel sad and think like that I feel much better than before and can be more patient with the problem.

Praise be to Allah (Alhamdulillah yah ...), and thank you for Efi status as I was learning something.

How to Decorate Web Pages (HTML Basic)

In the article entitled "Interested in learning web design, HTML first identify" you are acquainted with HTML, now you will be creative decorating web pages, but step by step while learning about text formats. And this time you will get acquainted with the existing attributes in the body tag.

In the body there is a name tag attribute, this attribute is used to make web pages look more attractive, slowly we will get acquainted with them. Attribute that is in the body tag, such as:

  • Bgcolor = "" (used to create web background color as you wish, for example: <body bgcolor="green"> or <body bgcolor="#008000">
  • Background = "" (to show the form background image) example: <body background="./image/IMG-AA0216.jpg"> (. / Image / enjoy.jpg is the name of the directory / folder where you save the image to be displayed)
  • Text = "red" (used to give color to the text that will be displayed on the web page)

Immediately, you write the following script:

Will display as shown below:

Background display if attribute not found:

Note: bgcolor = "green", useful when the background attribute (picture) was not found. The web page will use green or green background.
May be useful!

Interested to Learn Web Design, First Identify HTML

HTML (Hypert Text Markup Language) is a basic lesson that should be known to those of you who are interested to learn to create Web Design. HTML is a collection of scripts that are stored in text format and contains the specified tag commands, those commands will be executed by the web browser.

Writing structure as follows:

Title <title> Web </ title>
</ head>
The content of the web that you created
</ body>
</ html>

From the above structures can be noticed that the writing of tags (the text in the form of two special characters "<" and ">") consists of three parts.

Example: note the title tag writing structure above, <title> an opening tag, and "Title Web" is the tag contents while the closing tag is </ title>. In order to know more details you just try the example below:

And here's the result:

HTML tags are usually paired writing and in the writing must not overlap. such as:

          </ tr>
</ td>


         </ td>
</ tr>

Now I will explain one by one about the structure of the script above:
  • <html> ... </ html>: to declare to the browser that the script used to use HTML
  • <head> .. </ head>: Head of HTML
  • <title> .. </ title>: This tag is located between <head> tag and </ head>, is used to display the title in the browser.
  • <body> .. </ body> tag: This tag is the content of the HTML, it contains everything that will be displayed on the web page. Located between <html> tag and </ html>, under <head> tag and </ head>.
May be useful, and if there is criticism or suggestions or perhaps something to ask. Please fill in the comments or via e-mail can be. thanks

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7-inch, Wi-Fi)

For you fans of gadgets, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 is for you. A wide range of applications available will pamper you, supported by the processor 1.0 GHz dual-core processor making it possible to use the application to its full potential. Samsung galaxy tab 2 android operating system 4.0 ("Ice Cream Sandwich"). With a weight of 12 ounces and a 7-inch screen, the gadget is easy to carry anywhere.

Galaxy Tab 2 include 3-megapixel rear camera for taking pictures and using a VGA front camera for video chat. Galaxy Tab 2 is designed for single hand grip, via the virtual QWERTY keyboard galaxy tab 2 you can easily type messages and simple notes. Backed with Bluetooth 3.0 wireless connectivity for hands-free devices, stereo music streaming, GPS for navigation and search locations, and up to 8 GB of internal memory. If you are not satisfied with the internal memory, you can add external memory up to 32 GB.

You can access the Internet quickly and Galaxy Tab is powered with Wi-Fi, you can browse as much and enjoy your favorite videos. Smart remote applications and built-in IR Blaster congenital galaxy tab, allowing you to watch TV and change the channel of your choice through this gadget. You also can play as much, because the Galaxy Tab offers full support for adobe flash player 10.1.

Galaxy Tab 2 integrated with google technology. Through play google you can download millions of apps that you like such games and much more. You can access the mobile google services entirely, such as Google Search, Gmail, Blogger, Google, Youtube, Maps, Play Store and other services.

Behind the amazing advantages, Samsung galaxy tab 2 also has its drawbacks. Among them is a fairly long battery charging, camera embedded without Led Flash and autofocus, and a little hot if used continuously.
For then you alone determine which are the most preferred gadget you need today. Similarly, the share of my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7-Inch, Wi-Fi)

May be useful!


Operating system: Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
Processor: 1 GHz dual-core processor
Internal memory: 8 GB
Memory Expansion: microSD card (up to 32 GB in size)
Display: 7-inch multitouch screen (1024 x 600 pixels)
Dimensions: 7.6 x 4.8 x 0.41 inches
Weight: 12 ounces
Camera: 3-megapixel rear, VGA (640 x 480) front
Wireless connectivity: Wireless N Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n), Bluetooth 3.0
Sensors: Accelerometer, digital compass, light, proximity

Ports: 1 USB 2.0 (host), 3.5mm headphone / microphone jack
Battery: 4,000 mAh
file Compatibility

Document: Word (doc, docx, txt, HWP, rtf), Excel (xls, xlsx, csv,), PowerPoint (ppt, pptx, pps); PDF
Video: Playback up to 1080p Full HD @ 30 fps (frames per second) with the following compatibility:
Codec: MPEG4, H.263, H.264, VC-1, DivX, WMV7, WMV8, WMV9, VP8
Format: 3GP, ASF, AVI, MP4, WMV, FLV, MKV, WebM

Asus Tranformer Pad TF300

What do you need? A notebook or a tablet? Both you can get from Asus Tranformer Pad TF300. It has a 10.1-inch WXGA IPS display with multi-touch touch makes this tablet is not less competitive with other tablets.

Asus Tranformer TF300 Pad is designed not only for enthusiast but also for internet gamers, because it uses a processor NVIDIA Tegra 3 quad-core processor. You will get the best web experience and faster game play twice.

OS Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich is also embedded in this tablet, you can download thousands of apps on the android market.

Asus Tranformer TF300 Pad also features two cameras include a 1.2 MP front camera for video chat and a rear camera to take a picture of your favorite.

For the battery itself in the claim can last up to 10 hours, if you think this is less, there is an additional 5 hours of artificial ASUS keyboard dock itself and conjure you to be netbook mini tablet. But unfortunately the keyboard dock is sold separately.

The tablet also comes with 32GB of storage memory and an HDMI slot and a micro SD card for sharing documents or your favorite application.

If you think this article useful, please click the link below:

ASUS Transformer TF300 T-B1-BL 10.1-Inch 32 GB Tablet (Blue)

Screen Size inch 10:10
Max Screen Resolution 1280x800 pixels
Processor 1.2 GHz Tegra 3.0
Hard Drive 32 GB
Graphics Coprocessor 12-core GeForce
NVIDIA Chipset Brand
Wireless 802.11bgn Type
Average Battery Life (in hours) 10 hours

Surfing with Samsung Chromebook

It seems we can not escape from a variety of applications offered by Google, because we need it. Google worked with Samsung created the Samsung Chromebook, elegant thin laptop cool which helped us to more easily surf the internet and save our time.

Laptops equipped Samsung Chromebook leading google products like Google search, Gmail, Youtube, and other products. So we can do anything we like as work, play and even watch our favorite videos. You also do not have to worry about viruses, because Chromebook have built-in virus protection.

Chromebook have 11.6-inch screen size is almost not require adjustment. All existing applications updated automatically and we do not have to waste our time to install the software. The operating system used is the operating system google chrome OS powered Samsung Exynos processor with ARM-based Dual.

For storage media in the form of Solid-State Disk (SSD) 16GB google google also offers a 100 GB drive free for two years, so we can keep all documents, applications, games and our favorite videos. And can access wherever you are without the need to download or install the application on your hard drive.

Other features offered include Wi-Fi google, Toucpad Multi-touch, HDMI port, and USB 3.0/2.0 through this port we can share data and multimedia services in a more flexible. The battery used is also claimed to be able to survive for 6.5 hours, so we can bring this laptop wherever we want without being too worried about running out of battery.

As with any other product, Chromebook also have drawbacks. Not being able to run programs such as Microsoft Office, for those who are used to using windows seems to be a bit to adapt to the Chromebook because the keyboard is no delete button. Because it uses artificial google Chrome OS, Samsung Chromebook should always connect to the Internet.

Two Years Two Minutes

I hide my feelings and be a secret in the chest
Until buried in the soul, makes me feel empty
This heart felt tight when I miss you
Not able to do much to treat it

My moment to feel restless and difficult
I want your presence to keep me calm
Devoting my anxiety to get up from it all
I used to find excuses to meet you
How often did you reject it

It's not your fault if you did not come
Not your fault if you did not know
that I really need you

And you're not guilty of ignorance
That I love you so much
This longing was never treated
Until I was tortured like this

Nearly two years of love enveloped
And longing that undermined me languishing deserted

If I may ask, would I begged of you
I want a hug for two minutes

Although it was a sign
That I have to part with
Hopefully I can wait until the time comes
I'm going to leave you
And be memorable ago

Fantasy Shrek Forever After

Shrek Forever After, The film tells how we must learn to appreciate and be grateful with what we have. Everyone has a desire to be realized, but sometimes the desire to make us forget ourselves. We got everything, but why can not we feel it? We realize that we have lost.

Shrek (Mike Myers) who is now living peacefully with Fiona (Cameron Diaz) and her three children missed the heyday of the first. Shrek is a giant ogre who feared and free life before becoming a giant home life and became a celebrity after being married to Fiona.

On the birthday of her first child, Shrek asked by Fiona to check the birthday cake, amidst his in Prevent small children who claimed to weigh fans. Shrek feel a little upset that the birthday cake decorated cute and was named sprinkles. Plus more birthday cake at dinner by three pigs. Shrek angry and shouted loudly, shouting Shrek makes people clapped happily. Come puss in boots brought a surprise birthday cake the same, but instead Shrek smash cake.

Shrek and Fiona came out followed by the They argue, Shrek hope became the first Shrek. The last word spoken by Shrek is Shrek have regretted save Fiona.

Arguments were heard by Rumpelskin, evil witch who wants to master the "far far away". Then he made a schemer to trap Shrek.

Shrek walking alone after the fight. Middle of the road he heard a cry for help, he was pretending to rumpelskin pinned under the train. Shrek helps him and as a reciprocation Rumpelskin offer something to Shrek.

Shrek agrees and signs the contract the magic that is the beginning of life Shrek disastrous. Where family and friends did not recognize him. To restore all of it, Shrek must strive to get true love's kiss from Fiona who is not recognized anymore.

Shrek forever after is animated action and comedy, the story is funny, action-packed and suspenseful fantasy. Shrek Forever After (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) what he called it? I think not fun to watch if you do not own.

Movie Detail:

Release: May 21, 2010
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Action
Length: 93 min
Players: Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz, Eddie Murphy, Antonio Banderas, Walt Dohrn, Julie Andrews, Jane Lynch, Kathy Griffin, Jon Hamm, John Cleese, Craig Robinson, Lake Bell, Mary Kay Place, Meredith Vieira, Ryan Seacrest, Kristen Schaal , Larry King
Director: Mike Mitchell
Producer: Teresa Cheng, Gina Shay
Studio: Paramount Pictures