Enjoyable with Advan Jetz Kadabra

Modem with economical price but stable to use for us that have minim of budget is Advan Jetz Kadabra. That time on March 17th 2012, I buy the modem with price is Rp 250,000. I get free internet until three month. What does that make it pleasant to use?

To begin, I was disappointed to use the modem, because I only get 2G connection. Well hey! Did it say
3G connection? But disaffection has been cured. Actually the key for get 3G connection is on setting application of modem. Do you know?

If you don’t know, this is the way:

  1. Open modem application
  2. On main menu click set 
  3. Choose network, then will appear the window of select network, you choose manual search & register, click refresh. Wait a moment!
  4. Will appear connection choice, you choose XL (3G) if you use XL operator. If you use other operator, choose that have information (3G). Click
  5. Back to main menu, then click connect.

Until now I can enjoyable internet satisfied, from browser, Facebook, Twitter even watch favorite video on Youtube, quickly..!

unfortunately the software of modem often error, but it is not effect on internet connection and can be solved by to close software and open it again.

I hope useful!


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